“BITCOIN BITCH” – Women’s Crypto Empowerment


“Bitcoin Bitch” stares you down in an urban setting, graffiti wall her temple. For she is a goddess. Do not be misled by her street style or snarling attitude, she is Hecates with her faithful dog guardians. She stands with the power of witchcraft, the magic of crypto currency as her power. A Bitcoin hangs from her neck like a snake, representing this power.

I have just finished this digital painting “Bitcoin Bitch” and my name is MISS AL SIMPSON. I have sold the most ever artworks on the main 1/1 platform, Super Rare and I have already exhibited a digital NFT in Bonhams first ever NFT auction in London. I am exhibiting “Bitcoin Bitch” at a crypto art exhibition ‘Dreamverse” in New York in November 2021. I am able to do so as I am one of the many female crypto artists making a reputation as a serious artist globally. I am doing so by utilising the power of a global revolution that is more powerful that the internet – the BLOCKCHAIN.

As the artist, I may not have dyed blonde hair and a bespoke Bitcoin Bitch oversized puffer jacket but this piece feels like a self portrait of sorts. For the magic of cryptoart and the blockchain has served me well. It has made me and so many women like me empowered. True empowerment comes from within and I think that on some higher, esoteric level, the blockchain can be aligned with that personal empowerment. This alignment is something that women in particular can tap into. We all represent some kind of ancient goddess – it is encoded into our archetype. We are taught from an early age, in this patriarchial world to disguise it, hide it, dismiss it. But, it is still there, as dormant as a sleeping Doberman guard dog. Sleeping but powerful and aggressive when roused.

I wish that I could sugar coat this but when I first came across the blockchain and cryptoart, I was not feeling empowered at all. I had given my power away for so long that that first taste of pure self empowerment again after so many years tasted like freedom. And as soon as I did, I woke up my guard dogs and slung that Bitcoin snake symbol around my neck and started making and tokenizing as much art as I could.

Obviously, there are still concerns about equality in cryptoart as there are in the old art world but this time, it really is different. If you are a female artist, analogue or crypto, sling that crypto symbol around your neck and start tuning into the blockchain.

What crypto will do for women is beyond our imagination. Crypto female empowerment is going to change the world.

We will no longer be slaves to outdated marriage institutions.

We will no longer give up our financial freedom to bring up our children.

We will no longer be seen as inferior in any way.

We will stand like “Bitcoin Bitch” with our crypto and guard dogs, empowered and powerful, with the remains of a desiccated patriarchy at our feet.

View “Bitcoin Bitch” on Super Rare Art – HERE


“Dark eyes flutter under the finest silk net as she enters the stage. Quivering movements, caught on the tight-rope between ballerina and showgirl, she knew how capture attention. Unmistakable beauty, she danced to the violin as if it were her only lover. Sadness and beauty poured out in this waltz between her and the instrument. She danced through the composition as if she was completely alone. All the time, knowing that the eyes of the Oligarch were focused on her every movement. She danced her swan’s dance. She knew that beauty such as hers would always be captured by those in power. But she could have this last dance for her and her alone.”

“THE SHOWGIRL AND THE OLIGARCH” is available as an NFT on Super Rare – HERE



Glossy red lip glitch,

Makin’ her a goddamn sexy bitch.

Who said that glasses were boring?

Bright red lip red roaring.

Get outta her way,

Got an awful lot to say.

With these red red lips,

brushing off all of those shoulder chips.

Glossy red lip glitch,

Makin’ her a goddamn sexy bitch.

“RED LIP GLITCH” is a digital artwork available on Known Origin.


Screenshot 2020-04-08 at 10.14.01

“L.A. sunset glows against the old muscle car. The L.A. Girls rule this part of town with their disintegrating beauty, always balanced delicately on the edge. Neon stiletto teases the beer can on the ground which in this hazy glow sparkles like diamonds. They are owned by no-one and their freedom is carried firmly in their beatnik sneers and dark red lips. They learnt a long time ago to trust no-one and to love only this wild urban landscape.”




They continued to wear their masks long after the quarantine restrictions had been removed. The fear lingered long after the virus had gone. April had borrowed her Granny’s antique plague mask months ago and now wore it even to pop to the shops.

STREETQUARANTINE4Sometimes they were followed. Beige men with gas masks on were on the streets still, a government hangover from the quarantine days.


They were not sure when it would ever feel safe again. There was a salutary comfort in the masks, shielding them, hiding them from prying eyes. They couldn’t remember a time when they didn’t wear them…


Amphitrite’s Beach


“Come to Glass Beach”, she whispered. “Come to see the colours created by the God of the Sea. Years of sculpting away the rubbish left by man, to create something of infinite beauty”. She stared past me, ancient headdress intact.

“Glass baubles float all around…man’s discarded rubbish is Poseidon’s treasure…” her words were pacifying but said with infinite sadness.

“This was my favourite beach for centuries – many came to worship me here. It was a holy place. Then men came and left rubbish all over my precious and scared beach. I was so sad. I blew away all the rubbish into tiny fragments, a long long time ago”, she looked down, “all that was left was broken glass. I begged my husband to sculpt them into something of beauty. To reverse the destruction wrought on my sacred beach. He would only do it if he could keep me here forever. To be the guardian of this beach. To be a prisoner here. I agreed to the pact.” she turned to me, tears glistening, “worship my Glass Beach, please?”

Artwork tokenized on the blockchain on KNOWN ORIGIN, Anna Louise Simpson, 2020

Words, Anna Louise Simpson, 2020